types of persian cats

Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

Pictures gallery of types of persian cats

Persian Cats | Pictures of Cats

Persian Cats | Pictures of Cats

The development of the more extreme Persian cats (see Persian cat breeding for more on this!) resulted in two types of Persian cat with a range in between.

Persian (cat) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Persian (cat) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Traditional Persian cat also known as Doll Face Persian is considered as the was crossed with the Persian to create a breed with the body type of the Persian but

The Gentle Persian Cat - Cat Breeds, Types of Cats. List of Cat

The Gentle Persian Cat - Cat Breeds, Types of Cats. List of Cat

All about Persian Cats. Domestic Persian Cat info, Persian Cat breed history, tips and advice for cat lovers.

Himalayan (cat) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Himalayan (cat) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Himalayan cat is a breed of long-haired cat identical in type to the Persian, with the exception of its blue eyes and its point coloration, which were derived

Types of Himalayan Kittens | eHow.com

Types of Himalayan Kittens | eHow.com

The Himalayan is a mixture of the Persian and Siamese cat. Himalayan cats are distinctive because of their beautiful color pattern, long flowing coats and sturdy

Choosing a Persian - Page 1 - Pet Place - Pet Care - Pet Names

Choosing a Persian - Page 1 - Pet Place - Pet Care - Pet Names

The ideal Persian is a substantial cat with an overall impression of roundness, a body style known as cobby. There are two distinct facial types - the extreme and the

Different Types of Himalayan Cats | eHow.com

Different Types of Himalayan Cats | eHow.com

Himalayan cats are a cross breed of Persian and Siamese cats. These felines look luxurious with their long-haired coat, blue eyes and color points on their feet, legs

Persian Cats - Dog Breed Info Center®, DBI

Persian Cats - Dog Breed Info CenterĀ®, DBI

There are a few different types of Persian: Bicolor Persian, Malayan Persian (extinct), Shaded Persian, Smoke Persian, Solid Persian, Tabby Persian, Doll-Face Persian

Persian Cats - TheCatSite.com Community - The Cat Site

Persian Cats - TheCatSite.com Community - The Cat Site

However there is a distinction between two face types: The modern flat-faced Persian. This is the cat commonly seen in shows. The traditional doll-faced Persian has a more

Persian Cat Information And Cat And Kitten Types Are Described

Persian Cat Information And Cat And Kitten Types Are Described

Persian Cat Information is talked about along with Cat Body Types. There are various Cat and Kitten Body Types such as Persian, Siamese, and Coby.

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